Beginning in early April, FEMA will offer reimbursement of up to $9,000 for funeral, interment, or cremation expenses resulting from a COVID-19-related death.
FEMA views COVID-19 as a disaster and is providing funds to alleviate financial strain on families.
Eligible funeral expenses for reimbursement include:
- Transfer of remains
- Casket or urn
- Funeral service arrangements
- Use of funeral home equipment or staff
- Cremation or interment costs
- Marker or headstone expenses
These are just a few eligible costs; others may also qualify. Contact your funeral home for more information on eligible expenses.
If you intend to hold a future memorial service or haven't yet bought items like a monument or other funeral merchandise, meet with your funeral home promptly to begin paperwork, ensuring you can maximize your FEMA reimbursement.
Regardless of whether we were your original funeral home choice, we are pleased to assist you in obtaining your FEMA reimbursement funds.
Fill out this form to download our FREE guide "Navigating Your COVID-19 FEMA Funeral Benefits", to find out if you qualify for reimbursement.
OR Give us a call at (806) 352-2727.
We are here to help.